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Getting Band 9 at IELTS Reading

2.33 (3 votes)
IELTS Reading
6th Oct 2019

Many of the test takers find it difficult to believe that it’s possible to get perfect 9 at the reading test...


0.00 (0 votes)

There are four major modules of English, viz Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. In order to enhanc...

20th Aug 2019
0.00 (0 votes)

English is one of the most used languages in the world. People all over the world use English for their day to day...

27th Aug 2019
0.00 (0 votes)

IELTS exam consists of four modules: Reading, Writing, listening and speaking. ...

27th Aug 2019
3.00 (13 votes)

The writing component of the IELTS exam is designed to assess how you “write a response appropriately, ...

27th Aug 2019
3.19 (27 votes)

IELTS exam consists of four modules: Reading, Writing, listening and speaking. There are two types of IELTS exam: ...

27th Aug 2019

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